Search for tag: "asl poetry"
Deaf Mosaic 103Deaf Mosaic 103. Publisher T.J. O'Rourke, Ramon Rodriguez, and subtitled movies; Florence Henderson, Nanette Fabray, Nancy Jones - 1985 Poster Child; National Fraternal Society of the Deaf…
From video services
111 plays
Deaf Mosaic 102Deaf Mosaic 102. Host Gil Eastman. Reporters Marla Hatrak, Rachel Harris, Mary Lou Novitsky. ASL Poetry "Snowflake" with Clayton Valli; Telecommunications for the Deaf Inc. - Tom…
From video services
365 plays
Gallaudet Video Presents Joe Velez in "JABBERWOCKY"Gallaudet Video Presents Joe Velez in "Jabberwocky." Joe Velez translates the "Jabberwocky" poem that was written by Lewis Carroll into ASL poetry. It is about a boy who killed…
From video services
1,393 plays