Counseling and Psychological Services
Counseling and Psychological Services
From Kimberly Bostick
Information on our services Visual Description: In right box, Kimberly Bostick is a White, Deaf, Cisgender woman. The background color is light brown. She has blonde… -
From Kimberly Bostick
ID: A Latina Deaf Cisgender woman with shoulder length brown hair, wearing black eyeglasses, dark red lipstick, pearl earrings, and a black top with small silver… -
From Joshua Miller
Understanding how to use after hours crisis/emergency services. Transcript: Hi, I'm Doris Zelaya. I want to explain how CAPS' after hours crisis/emergency… -
From Joshua Miller
ID; A Latina Deaf cisgender woman with short brown hair with black cat eyeglasses and red lipstick is sitting down on a chair. She is wearing a black shirt with gold…
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