Search for tag: "strategic"

GSC Town Hall #3 - April 23, 2020

From 105 plays 0  

Gallaudet Staff Council Meeting - 02/11/2020

From  video services 28 plays 0  

Spring 2019: Priority 3, Student Success - Gallaudet Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute (GIEI)

Ryan Maliszewski, Director of GIEI, explains the program's 18-months journey and its accomplishments. [Image description: A thumbnail view of Short-term Strategic Plan 2017-2020 is shown with…

From 245 plays 0  

Spring 2019: Priority 2, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusive Excellence - Cross-Cultural Conversations

Dr. Elavie Ndura, Vice President of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), describes the Cross-Cultural Conversation Initiative that began in August 2018 and continued throughout the 2018-2019…

From 119 plays 0  

Spring 2019: Priority 5, Academic and Community Vitality - Carnegie Reclassification

Dr. Lindsay Buckho, Director, Institutional Research, explains Gallaudet's Carnegie Reclassification and the ongoing commitment to and investment in research that led to our "Doctoral…

From 120 plays 0