Gallaudet Video Presents Fantastic E. The “Fantastic” series for children. Matt is writing a letter to his aunt who lives in Italy, and he wonders how it works to have the letter sent from here to there. Matt introduces Heather, who is also writing a letter but to her grandmother. Scenes of the Post Office’s process in gathering, organizing, and bringing it to the right place. “Joe” does a mime skit with a hula hoop. The guessing game, what is it? Bernard Bragg does a story-telling skit, “The Fox and the Crow.” Matt is eating some blueberries, and ponders what else is blue? Manu tells a story about Henry and Leroy, the two frogs that churned milk into butter. Hands skit as fishes. A field trip to the car factory. A guessing game – what is being made? Bernard Bragg does a skit as a musical composer. Matt finally finishes writing the letter to his aunt.