Hi5—August 2, 2019
From andrew.greenman@gallaudet.edu August 02, 2019
Related Media
Welcome to Hi5! Every week, we will share five newsworthy highlights from the desk of President Cordano. If you are interested in keeping up to date, open this email and check out all the new buzzworthy content! This week, we welcome as our signer Lauren Berger, a doctoral student in the Program in Educational Neuroscience.
WFD wrap-up
Over the last few weeks, we have reported on Gallaudet’s involvement with the XVIII World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), held July 23-27 in Paris. One noteworthy outcome of the conference was the signing of a cooperation agreement between WFD and Gallaudet. The main points of this agreement are as follows:
- Gallaudet will support WFD’s efforts to advance the entitlement of deaf people to communicate and be educated in their native sign language and advocating for the rights of the deaf community.
- WFD will offer learning opportunities to Gallaudet University students.
- WFD, as a non-governmental organization (NGO) and Gallaudet will advocate together for a bilingual lifelong education model including access to language to children from birth to age 5, and support for national sign languages and the rights of its users.
- WFD and Gallaudet will explore other areas of cooperation, such as research studies and leveraging Gallaudet faculty expertise.
- Strengthen efforts to foster access to language, education, and economic opportunity.
We look forward to working with WFD!
JumpStart begins!
The campus is coming alive with students once again! Over 40 new and emerging signers began the JumpStart program on July 22. Over the next five weeks, they will be immersed in a rich bilingual environment, learning ASL and Deaf culture and becoming familiar with the university and its resources, as well as the Washington metropolitan area. Join us in extending a warm welcome to the 2019 JumpStart cohort, the first members of the Class of 2023!
Welcoming a new corporate neighbor
The metamorphosis of the H Street corridor and NoMa continues apace. Next Tuesday, J. P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. will open a new branch at Fifth and H Streets, Northeast. President Cordano will join Chase president and chief executive officer Jamie Dimon and other Chase officials at the opening of this new branch. Our Office of Campus Design and Planning worked with Chase to facilitate an accessible environment. Chase is also looking to hire deaf and signing staff at this branch, one of 75 new offices in the Washington area. We are excited to welcome Chase to the neighborhood!
NBDA convenes in Northern California
We are proud to be a Gold Level sponsor of the National Black Deaf Advocates biennial conference this week in Oakland, California. We are especially proud to see Gallaudet and Clerc Center students participate in the NBDA Collegiate and Youth Leadership Programs -- the Youth Empowerment Summit and the Collegiate Black Deaf Youth Leadership Institute. Gallaudet’s own Evon Black is the organization’s president. Best wishes for a successful conference!
Upcoming events
Mark your calendar now for three major events during the month of September! President Cordano’s Welcome Back address on Wednesday, September 18. Also coming up is the H Street Festival, Saturday, September 21 from 12 to 7 p.m. on H Street between Third and 14th Streets, Northeast. The following Monday, September 23, is the International Day of Sign Languages. More information will follow!
Have a good weekend!
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