DPN 1988 vol. 6 - Mayflower Hotel 2 of 4
March 6, 1988
A Gallaudet student furiously informed other peers that he asked the board of trustees to give him an explanation, but the board said they were too busy. They were busy talking to the reporters, instead of trying to connect with their own students and more concerned about the attention from the public. Greg Hlibok shares with others about other deaf people from other states in America is watching and angry with the decision of the Board of Trustees. A warning was notified to the Gallaudet students that if they continued to protest, they would be arrested. Tim Rarus will be a representative and present during the meeting of the BOT. John Maucere chanting “Deaf President Now,” with masses of Gallaudet students. Jerry Covell announced that after the meeting, they are having a party and refuses to talk to them. Jerry tells everyone to stay for the rest of the night, at least until the board of trustees come out to speak to them.